How much money and time if your business wasting - Stats sheet

Oszczędność czasu

Quick installation and set-up time Quick installation and set-up time

Aby uruchomić system i rozpocząć zbieranie danych jak najszybciej, NetSupport DNA zaprojektowano tak, by był intuicyjny i łatwy w użyciu. W zasadzie można go zainstalować i uruchomić w ciągu 30 minut i to bez konieczności czytania podręczników i instrukcji.

Aby od razu rozpocząć przeglądanie danych, wyposażono system w przejrzysty, logiczny kokpit, prezentujący w czasie rzeczywistym dane statystyczne, od liczby urządzeń zaktywowanych w tym tygodniu, do liczby zainstalowanych programów i wygenerowanych alertów – dający w efekcie błyskawiczny przegląd stanu sieci komputerowej.

Wszystkie funkcje NetSupport DNA mają na celu dać szybką i jasną informację o wszystkich zasobach IT w całej organizacji – bez prowadzenia obszernych analiz. Zobacz, już zaoszczędziłeś sporo czasu!

Sit back and deploy Agents in seconds Sit back and deploy Agents in seconds

Po zainstalowaniu serwera i konsoli NetSupport DNA pozostaje jedno zadanie – zainstalowac Agentów. Właściwie nie musisz się o to martwić, bo NetSupport DNA posiada narzędzia do wykrywania komputerów i zdalnego instalowania Agentow. System będzie nawet monitorował sieć w przyszłości, by ostrzec Cię o nowych komputerach.

Co więcej, Agent DNA pozwala zinwentaryzować urządzenia pracujące pod kontrolą wszystkich wiodących systemów operacyjnych, co oznacza, że możesz również śledzić informacje dotyczące urządzeń mobilnych.

Jakie to proste!

Real-time monitoring to identify and resolve issues quickly Real-time monitoring to identify and resolve issues quickly

Obserwowanie stanu wszystkich komputerów w Twojej sieci jest zadaniem ekstremalnie czasochłonnym, zwłaszcza w czasie rzeczywistym. Jak można ustalić priotytety i rozwiązać najpierw najpilniejsze sprawy bez informacji, który komputer zgłasza problemy i bez aktywnych polityk zabezpieczeń?

NetSupport DNA, dzięki trybowi Eksploratora, monitorowanie bieżacej aktywności oraz aktualnych powiadomień czyni tak prostym, jak nigdy dotąd. Dzięki trzem widokom – ikon, szczegółowym i miniatur (gdzie widać ekrany komputerów PC) – możesz z łatwością stwierdzić, który komputer wymaga natychmiastowej uwagi i ustalić priorytety, zwiększając w rezultacie skuteczność działań. W widoku szczegółowym możesz również zobaczyć wizualne podsumowanie aktynych zassad przyporządkowanych komputerowi. Klikając prawym przyciskiem myszy na którymkolwiek komputerze PC uruchomisz typowe funkcje: właczanie/wyłączanie, czat, zdalny dostęp, wysyłanie wiadomości i inne.

Proactive auto-discovery finds new devices – so you don’t have to Proactive auto-discovery finds new devices – so you don’t have to

Czasochłonna, wykonywana ręcznie czynność dodoawania nowych urządzeń do sieci i śledzenie ich obecnie uległa transformacji. NetSupport DNA bierze na siebie całą ciężką robotę dostarczając proaktywnego, automatycznego narzędzia wykrywania urządzeń – po prostu daje Ci wybór, czy instalować Agenta na urządzeniu i zarządzać nim w przyszłości, czy też nie.

Gdy już nastawisz system NetSupport DNA, by pracował dla Ciebie, będzie on stale monitorował Twoją sieć i identyfikował nowe komputery PC dołaczające się do Twojej sieci. Oszczędzi Twój cenny czas, który możesz poświęcić ambitniejszym zadaniom.

Automatically discover and track SNMP devices Automatically discover and track SNMP devices

Razem z funkcją auto-wykrywania, możesz skonfigurować NetSupport DNA do aktywnego skanowania Twojej sieci i identyfikowania urządzeń z włączonym protokołem SNMPbled devices (routery, przełaczniki sieciowe, drukarki). Uzyskasz kolejną oszczędnośc czasu i zwiększysz widoczność swojej infrastruktury IT.

Moduł SNMP będzie generował dostosowane przez Ciebie alerty w przypadku, gdy pojawią się jakiekolwiek problemy. Dla większej skuteczności, DNA może je automatycznie wysłać do odpowiedniego serwisanta lub określony adres e-mail. To pozwoli na podjęcie szybkich działań i rozwiązanie problemów i w efekcie zapewni Twoim urządzeniom płynną pracę i ich optymalne wykorzystanie.

Make informed decisions on hardware – fast! Make informed decisions on hardware – fast!

Dzięki  modułowi Inwentaryzacji sprzętu, jednemu z najbardziej wszechstronnych i szczegółowych dostępnych ne rynku, NetSupport DNA zbiera kolosalną ilość informacji o każdym z Twoich urządzeń: od typu CPU i BIOS-u, poprzez sieć, grafikę, do pamięci i dysków – zwalniając Cię z wykonania tego czasochłonnego zadania.

Możesz uruchomić raporty z inwentaryzacji pojedynczego komputera lub całego departamentu, a nawet utworzyć własne grupy dynamiczne, by uwzględnić w raportach urządzenia z całej organizacji spełniające zadane warunki.

Raporty te dadzą Ci jasny obraz zasobów IT, pokazując w mgnieniu oka, które komputery można zaktualizować, zamiast wymienić, w których przypadkach sprzęt można przekazać innym użytkownikom. W ten sposób można zapobiec zbędnym inwestycjom i ponownie użyć sprzęt, który w innym miejscu już wydawał się niewystarczający.

Co więcej, konieczność monitorowania sprzętu została całkowicie zlikwidowana. DNA potrafi monitorować jakiekolwiek przyszłe zmiany dokonywne w każdym urządzeniu. Ponownie oszczędzasz czas, który możesz przeznaczyć na wykonywanie innych zadań.

Dla większej elastyczności i ułatwienia obsługi, dostępna jest darmowa, samodzielna aplikacja mobilna – DNA Console, dzięki której możesz pobrać potrzebne dane nawet, gdy jesteś z dala od swojego biurka.

<strong>Quick installation and set-up time</strong> Instantly learn from History to inform problem resolution

Aby mieć pewność, że cały czas masz dostęp do wszystkich informacji i nie musisz analizować zmian dokonanych w komputerze będąc na miejscu awarii, NetSupport DNA automatycznie skanuje i zapisuje wszelkie zmiany w sprzęcie i oprogramowaniu. To bardzo przydaje się później, gdy trzeba znaleźć rozwiązanie problemu.

Keep on top of issues quickly with proactive alerts Keep on top of issues quickly with proactive alerts

Żadna organizacja nie chce doświadczać przestojów IT. Tu właśnie NetSupport DNA może pomóc poprzez moduł proaktywnych alertów – uprzedzających o potencjalnie groźnych zdarzeniach. Możesz się nimi zająć zanim przeobrażą się w prawdziwe problemy.

Rozwiązywanie poważnych problemów IT może pochłonąć dużo czasu, wpłynąć na personel i studentów, wiązać sie z kosztami, a nawet obniżeniem reputacji Twojej organizacji. Aby zatem uniknąć obniżenia wydajności i pomóc Ci pracować proaktywnie (zamiast reagować naprawiając awarie), NetSupport DNA oferuje kompletny stsem alertów pozwalający monitorować setki scenariuszy i ostrzegający Cię, gdy problemy sie pojawiają, a nawet, zanim sie pojawią.

Możesz dostosować częstość i poziom alertów w Twoim systemie i uwzględnić wiele scenariuszy – od braku miejsca na dysku, nadmiernego obciążenia sieci, zatrzymania kluczowej usługi (takiej, jak antywirus), wykrycia określonego ostrzeżenia w dzienniku systemu Windows, do niepożądanych zmian w sprzęcie, nieautoryzowanej instalacji oprogramowania i wielu innych.

Zawarty w standardzie moduł Alertów stanowi prawdziwą wartość dodaną dla każdego działu IT – pomaga pracować mądrzej, proaktywnie oszczędzając czas.

Free up your time with automated software distribution Free up your time with automated software distribution

Tradycyjnie instalacja oprogramowania na całym kampusie stanowi wielkie wyzwanie, niejednokrotnie wymaga wykonywania powtarzających się czynności poza godzinami pracy, odwiedzania kolejno każdego komputera w celu sprawdzenia, czy oprogramowanie zostało odpowiednio zainstalowane i zaktualizowane.

Teraz, NetSupport DNA oferuje wysoce elastyczne rozwiązanie do dystrybucji oprogramowania do wielu użytkowników – oszczędzając masę czasu dzięki automatycznemu dostarczaniu oprogramowania wtedy, kiedy ruch w sieci jest najmniejszy.

Za pomocą programu Application Packager możesz utworzyć paczkę z oprogramowaniem, która zostanie rozesłana do wszystkich komputerów PC w Twojej sieci – natychmiast lub w dogodnym czasie według harmonogramu. Zapisując informacje podawane przez użytkownika, kombinacje klawiszy, kliknięcia myszy wykonane w trakcie próbnej instalacji, możesz zautomatyzować tę prawdziwą – pomijając konieczność interwencji w czasie instalacji.

Dodatkowo, paczki możesz przydzielić do wybranych departamentów i opublikować. Użytkowicy bedą mogli pobrać je i zainstalowac w razie potrzeby. Na przykład: pojawia się nowy pracownik w dziale administracyjnym. Zobaczy on wszyskie dostępne w jego dziale aplikacje i będzie mógł zainstalować te, które są mu aktualnie potrzebne – przynosząc ulgę działowi IT, który uniknie długotrwałego procesu instalowania wielu programów.

Comprehensive software inventories available at a glance Comprehensive software inventories available at a glance

Podobnie jak w przypadku inwentaryzacji sprzętu, Agent NetSupport DNA aktywnie pracuje zbierając informacje o wszystkich zainstalowanych programach na każdym komputerze w szkolu lub uczelni – zawsze masz aktualną informację pod ręką.

Zobaczysz szczegółowe podsumowanie wszystkich programów i aplikacji zainstalowanych na każdym komputerze PC, łacznie z aplikacjami ze Sklepu Windows 8 i 10. NetSupport DNA może wyświelić informacje o wybranym komputerze, departamencie lub grupie, możesz więc na pierwszy rzut oka stwierdzić, jakie wersje oprogramowania są zainstalowane i czy są zgodne w obrębie departamentu.

Kolejną pożyteczną funkcją wszechstronnego modułu inwentaryzacji oprogramowania NetSupport DNA jest skanowanie plików. Możesz zidentyfikować pliki określonego typu zainstalowane lokalnie na urządzeniach i upewnić się na przykład, że dokumenty są przechowywane lokalnie, niezgodnie z procedurą kopii zapasowych.

Wszystkie te informacje, zbierane dla Ciebie automatycznie, dają pewność, że zawsze masz aktualne dane. Z pewnością pomoże to zaplanować przyszłe potrzeby organizacji odnośnie infrastruktury IT.

Be sure your software licences are kept organised and compliant Be sure your software licences are kept organised and compliant

Since one of the largest single costs of IT Asset Management is the purchase and renewal of software licences, it’s good to know that help is at hand to help you track and manage yours.

Eliminating the laborious task of manually checking and tracking software, NetSupport DNA’s Software Module helps you maintain complete control of your licence counts by supporting the ongoing management of all software licences for each department.

You’ll be able to see where software is under-utilised and simply redeploy it where it is needed most. You’ll also be able to ensure your organisation remains licence compliant with DNA’s software reporting; once again saving you countless hours of manual checks.

NetSupport DNA’s Software Module even keeps your administration in order by giving you the ability to record suppliers, purchase and invoice details, department or cost centre allocations and to track maintenance contracts as well as storing PDF copies of any supporting documents – saving you time lost looking for this information later on!

Managing users efficiently today will pay dividends tomorrow Managing users efficiently today will pay dividends tomorrow

Efficient management of your assets and users is central to running a well-organised network. If you’re still relying on manual procedures or are not keeping constantly up to date with the status of your technology, then when a problem hits, without that groundwork in place, it’s going to take extra time to fix – resulting in lost productivity and revenue.

NetSupport DNA provides you with a complete toolkit of features to locate and manage users and assets within a networked environment. As well as key user data (name, telephone etc), DNA allows you to tailor the data you want to be gathered and collated from each user including: tracking of user acceptance forms; a history of changes to the data entered in User Data; and recording changes to Custom User details, including fields such as Employee Number, Location, Asset Tag and Owner.

So you can support users quickly and easily, NetSupport DNA also monitors Active Directory accounts and warns you if any user accounts are locked or have expired passwords, giving you the chance to quickly unlock or reset them as required.

Other supporting tools include real-time chat and enterprise messaging; a real-time system status view for all devices; as well as a range of system admin features – all allowing you to keep users managed efficiently and giving you maximum visibility over your systems.

Produce reports quickly and easily Produce reports quickly and easily

Nobody likes producing reports for management. Collecting the data you need to analyse is usually the bulk of the task. This is especially true when reporting across an entire organisation’s assets and network.

The process is now made simpler – and much less onerous − with NetSupport DNA. Its custom query tool provides a simple drag and drop window on your DNA database, supported with conditional and sum-based features that mean you can create custom reports in minutes.

You can quickly and easily create on-screen and print-optimised reports. The on-screen reports are provided with supporting bar and pie charts and „live” drill down capabilities, for a clear illustration of the data.

As well as reporting on individual devices, users and departments, you can also create dynamic groups. You can define these for your organisation and add them to the main company tree. A dynamic group could, for example, be to identify which PCs are upgradable and you could create this automatically from those that match the required conditional criteria – such as „all PCs with more than 'XX’ GB RAM, 'XX’ GB free disk space and XX processor type” and so on.

Print-optimised reports are designed for management reporting and you can schedule these to be automatically created and placed in a specified file location. You even have the option to print or export to PDF, DOC and XLS.

Now you can think differently about report data!

Stay informed – even when on the move Stay informed – even when on the move

Another time-saving measure in NetSupport DNA is its free, supporting mobile app to ensure key data is accessible to you, no matter where you are within your organisation.

Giving you immediate access to detailed hardware and software inventories for any PC on your network, it also saves you time by including a QR code scanner to help you identify a PC – either from its on-screen QR code or the label fixed to the device – so you can have immediate access to all the information you need without having to return to your workstation.

You can also see histories of all hardware changes, software installations or removals, plus any new PC alerts that have been triggered – all in the palm of your hand.

You can download the free DNA Mobile Console app from the Google Play and Apple app stores.

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How much money and time if your business wasting - Stats sheet

Redukcja kosztów

A single, complete solution A single, complete solution

Developed by NetSupport to provide an intuitive, easy-to-use solution with a host of value-added features, NetSupport DNA provides a „one stop” solution for the SME. It is fully scalable to fit your enterprise’s needs and even includes tools such as endpoint security – normally a standalone solution – as standard.

Make informed decisions on hardware Make informed decisions on hardware

With one of the most comprehensive and detailed Hardware Inventory modules available on the market today, NetSupport DNA gathers a huge amount of data from each of your devices: from CPU and BIOS types, to network, video and storage information – saving your organisation the cost of you having to collect it manually and meaning you can re-direct your efforts to other tasks!

You can run inventory reports for a single PC, or a department – or even create your own condition-based „dynamic groups” to report on the data you need from across your entire enterprise.

These reports give you increased visibility over your IT assets – showing you at a glance which PCs can be upgraded rather than replaced or where hardware can be redeployed to other users; preventing unnecessary spending on items that could otherwise have been reused.

To further help you keep track of your hardware costs, DNA’s hardware inventory module allows you to attach copies of financial paperwork (such as invoices or lease agreements) to the PC it relates to – so you can instantly see when renewals and so on are due.

Save money on software licensing costs Save money on software licensing costs

Only 70% of server licences business pay for are used (Computer World, Janson Sango) [licence management]

NetSupport DNA’s Software module is a highly practical tool that is designed to help you keep track of the licences you have installed and help to reduce unnecessary spending on licences that are not needed.

The module provides a detailed summary of all installed software, so you can instantly see what is on each of your PCs. And to alert you to even greater cost savings, DNA also highlights PCs with software that have no or low usage – allowing you to reallocate it to the users who need it most, thereby avoiding costly renewals for software that you no longer require.

NetSupport DNA also provides the flexibility for you to drill down on software reports for a selected PC, a single department or a custom group, so that you can manage your licences (and your costs) in a way that is most convenient for you.

As an added bonus to help you track your software spending, the Software module has the ability to record all the „extras” associated with software management, for example: suppliers, purchase dates, invoice details and department or cost centre allocation – as well tracking maintenance contracts. Crucially, NetSupport DNA alerts you when renewals are due, so you can make an active decision on whether that software is still required, instead of it being renewed automatically and incurring a preventable cost.

Having a tight grip on your software allocation is vital for enterprises; not only to keep an eye on your own compliance and costs, but also to ensure that you avoid any potential fines should your organisation be audited.

Why monitoring application use is good for your budget Why monitoring application use is good for your budget

Monitoring application use ensures software licences are assigned to the right users and aren’t renewed for those whose use doesn’t match up to the level considered cost-effective for a particular program. Armed with this information, you can see where licences are needed most – and reallocate them; saving additional licence spend in the process.

You can also protect your organisation from exceeding its software licence counts by restricting certain applications to specific departments, meaning your organisation stays licence compliant and free from the risk of software audit fines.

Application use data is also beneficial for your organisation to help assess employee productivity; giving you the times applications were started up and closed down, as well as the duration they were actively in use. This information gives you the advantage of being alerted to any application misuse in the workplace and provides you with the ability to take action, if required, to prevent any possible cost-related impact it may have.

Do you know how much your enterprise could save on energy costs? Do you know how much your enterprise could save on energy costs?

70-80% of IT budgets are spent just to keep existing systems running (tbc??)

Careful use of energy means smaller bills. It’s common sense! We all try to do it at home, but for various reasons, that consideration often gets disregarded in the workplace.

To help increase savings for your enterprise, NetSupport DNA’s Energy Monitoring and Power Management tools keep you informed by showing you how many PCs are left on out of office hours – and, most importantly, how the costs of this can significantly add up over time.

NetSupport DNA’s Energy Monitor checks to verify the powered-on state of all computers and its local monitoring component keeps an accurate record of each time a computer is powered on, off or hibernates. Once it knows the times of day each computer was operational, an average (and customisable) „power consumption per device” calculation is used, facilitating a baseline energy usage calculation for all your computers.

Once you have this information to hand, you can use the Power Management feature to schedule devices to power on or shut down PCs at certain times of the day. And DNA makes it easy for you to deploy a power management policy out to selected departments.

Many organisations could instantly begin to benefit from such an easy cost-saving measure, if only they were conscious of just how much energy they waste. NetSupport DNA can begin to provide you with the awareness you need to start saving from day one.

Cut your printing expenditure Cut your printing expenditure

Another easy save for organisations is to cut back on printing costs. Unnecessary printing can often spiral out of control across an entire enterprise, incurring high paper and toner costs.

The high-level Print Monitoring component of NetSupport DNA shows you exactly where your print costs are being generated. Of course, there will be departments where a high volume of print is expected – but DNA can often reveal surprise figures, allowing you to drill down and find out the reasons why.

You can define costs for printing (black and white, colour and so on) either globally or against each different printer – and even monitor toner levels on SNMP-enabled network printers. You can then see a full overview of your organisation’s printing activities from the product’s central console view, allowing you to take the appropriate action to cut your expensive toner bills!

Improve staff productivity with Internet and Application metering Improve staff productivity with Internet and Application metering

Over 130 working hours per year are wasted by employees on personal tasks (2014,

Let’s be honest: who hasn’t been tempted to click an intriguing web link whilst looking on the internet for work-related purposes? We all know how easily one link can lead to another and, over time (and multiplied by the total number of employees), this can soon spiral into wasted working hours that have an impact on the overall productivity of your organisation.

NetSupport DNA has a helping hand for you in the shape of its Internet and Application metering features, helping you to keep staff on task and working effectively within their contracted hours.

DNA gives you the power to define lists of „approved” and „restricted” websites and applications – and it also allows you to choose the times of day that they are live. So, for example, to keep everyone focused, you may want to make gaming applications or social media sites only accessible at lunchtimes and outside of core working hours; immediately improving staff focus and delivering efficiencies for your company.

Managing users cost-effectively Managing users cost-effectively

Efficient management of your assets and users is central to running a well-organised network. If you’re still relying on manual procedures or are not keeping constantly up to date with the status of your technology, then when a problem hits, without that groundwork in place, it’s going to take extra time to fix – resulting in lost productivity and revenue.

NetSupport DNA provides you with a complete range of features to efficiently locate and manage users and assets within a networked environment. And as well as allowing you to tailor the data you wish to record about each user (name, telephone etc), DNA monitors your network and alerts you if user accounts are locked, giving you the tools to remotely unlock them, thereby minimising downtime and its associated costs.

Other supporting tools include real-time chat and enterprise messaging; a real-time system status view for all devices; as well as a range of system admin features – all allowing you to keep users managed efficiently and cost-effectively.

All of your lease and contract details in one place – where they belong All of your lease and contract details in one place – where they belong

Enterprise purchasing procedures can often mean that financial and purchasing details are separated from the items they relate to. Wouldn’t it be great if IT staff could retain copies of that information right next to the record of the technology it’s associated with?

Now you can! DNA bridges the gap between IT and Purchasing for you, allowing you to keep copies of actual lease and maintenance contracts (and other associated details) recorded alongside the correct devices and licences. You can also include supplier details, contract term dates and costs – increasing your awareness of renewal dates and allowing you to retain control and make active, informed decisions about future planning and spending.

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How much money and time if your business wasting - Stats sheet

Zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa

Keep on top of issues with proactive alerts Keep on top of issues with proactive alerts

45% of staff waste time from experiencing delays with IT issues (2015, arvato – collected by YouGov)

A big cost to your organisation is system downtime. But NetSupport DNA can help you minimise this with its proactive Alerting suite – forewarning you of potential issues, so you can deal with them before they escalate into problems.

Tackling big IT problems can take significant amounts of time; affecting users and incurring financial – or even reputational costs for your organisation. So to help you work proactively to maintain your network rather than fixing it reactively, NetSupport DNA gives you a complete alerting suite that allows you to monitor hundreds of scenarios and warn you when problems occur − or, better still, before they occur − to avoid lost productivity.

You can customise the frequency and level of alerts for your systems or PCs and cover a multitude of scenarios − anything from disk space running low; network utilisation too high; a key service (such as anti-virus) being stopped; detecting a specific warning in a PC event log; through to unwanted changes of hardware; unauthorised software being installed; and much more. Included as standard, the Alerting module is a real value-add for any IT team; helping you work smarter by proactively saving time.

Ensure system security with Internet and Application metering Ensure system security with Internet and Application metering

Over 130 working hours per year are wasted by employees on personal tasks (2014,

Let’s be honest: who hasn’t been tempted to click an intriguing web link whilst looking on the internet for work-related purposes? We all know how easily one link can lead to another and, over time (and multiplied by the total number of employees), this can soon spiral into wasted working hours that have a real impact on the overall productivity of your organisation.

NetSupport DNA has a helping hand for you in the shape of its Internet and Application metering features, helping you to keep staff on task and working effectively within their contracted hours.

DNA gives you the power to define lists of „approved” and „restricted” websites and applications – and it also allows you to choose the times of day that they are live. So, for example, to keep everyone focused, you may want to make gaming applications or social media sites only accessible at lunchtimes and outside of core working hours, or prevent staff accessing sites where they could potentially download malware − immediately improving staff focus and delivering efficiencies for the company.

An extra security layer for your enterprise An extra security layer for your enterprise

IT security is always a priority for any organisation, but often the challenge is finding an affordable, dedicated solution.

So in NetSupport DNA, we provide you with a USB endpoint security component − as standard. Usually a standalone solution, DNA’s endpoint security allows you to define and control the use of removable USB devices on all PCs across your organisation – preventing sensitive data loss or virus infection from portable media and controlling data access.

You can even assign individual memory sticks to dedicated users and restrict their use to specific individuals or team members, making certain that data is locked down should memory sticks happen to get lost.

So, with DNA’s endpoint security in place, you can ensure that an extra layer of security has been applied to your enterprise.

Enforce Acceptable Use Policies for your organisation’s IT Enforce Acceptable Use Policies for your organisation’s IT

Common throughout the education sector – and increasingly used by enterprises − is the requirement for employees (or students, in an education setting) to sign Acceptable Use Policies.

These outline your organisation’s security and usage standards, and warn users about the consequences of any misuse.

NetSupport DNA makes delivering these policies to all users easy for you with its dedicated AUP feature. Using its in-built templates or uploading your own custom agreements, you can configure DNA to deliver and track AUPs for you – alleviating an administrative burden and ensuring everyone is aware of (and agrees to adhere to) your organisation’s policy on technology use.

Your data stays put Your data stays put

With NetSupport DNA, all of your asset data remains completely under your control within your organisation.

Unlike other products, NetSupport DNA supplies everything you need in a single download. The server and database components are installed locally, ensuring all of your corporate and staff data remains safely within your secure network.

Simple, effective security.

Control CD and DVD drives Control CD and DVD drives

NetSupport DNA also offers you the option to control the use of CD and DVD drives.

You can block them altogether, limit them to read-only access or allow them to be used but prevent any direct execution of files from them. This means you can control and − in conjunction with the Internet and App modules − prevent new software being installed or run on any PC, meaning that you can be sure there are no surprises lurking!

Keep a check on your network applications Keep a check on your network applications

Prevent the number of user-installed applications from spiralling out of control with the help of application whitelists.

You can use NetSupport DNA to help you monitor and report on all application use and, within that, create lists of company-approved applications that you can assign to specified users or departments. This will prevent any unknown and potentially unsecure applications from being downloaded and installed – thereby protecting your network from any possible security issues.

Be alerted to system security threats Be alerted to system security threats

Every organisation needs to be alert to the possibility of serious hacks or security threats to their systems. Because the sooner you know about a threat, the sooner you can take action to alleviate it – right?

NetSupport DNA’s powerful, proactive alerting suite is equipped with many alerts designed to help you maintain the security of your systems. These range from instant alerts when, let’s say, an anti-virus solution has stopped, or a new application is installed, or the size of a known file changes – along with many others.

But to really help you cope with the major threats, the alerts are designed to operate in combination to highlight potential security risks and prevent system vulnerabilities.

So, for example, alerts working in tandem with DNA’s SNMP module may be triggered if the inbound traffic on the company firewall exceeds a certain percentage for a pre-defined period of time, which might suggest a Denial of Service attack.

You can set many different types and combinations of alerts, and, once in place, you can be sure that NetSupport DNA will work proactively and warn you if your security is compromised.

No devices can sneak onto your network undetected No devices can sneak onto your network undetected

Safeguard your network by having up-to-date device information at all times. You won’t find any surprise devices added to your network, because NetSupport DNA constantly monitors your systems and identifies any new devices it finds.

Once identified, the DNA agent can be remotely deployed onto those compatible devices to ensure security policies and usage controls are enforced − ensuring that you will always have an up-to-date picture of your IT assets.

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